
Social Media Marketing: How to do it, Types, Tools & Tips

With the 'Rise of Social media' interactive tool from 'Our World in Data' you can see the growth of the main networks between up t o the end of 2019. This chart, by Datareportal, summarises the importance and growth of social media today. Users spend an average of two hours and 25 minutes per day on social media. Two hours and 25 minutes are spent per day per person on social media . From the way we get our news to the way we interact with our loved ones. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how you can analyze your social media competitors for a better understanding of your consumers, and to help grow your brand. Social media marketing courses Invite a coworker out for lunch or ask a neighbor or classmate to join you for coffee. Many of us access social media purely out of habit or to mindlessly kill moments of downtime. But by focusing on your motivation for logging on, you can not only reduce the time you spend on social media, you can also improve your experience and